Photo Life

What have I been up to?

Well, firstly there's my creepy clown... (color looks awful on here)

Recently, my friend Jeremy and I have decided to do a trade. I give him some cool portraits for his website, and shoot some of his awesome work... and he fixes my horrible, horrible website! YAY!!

His back side :)

My 50's house wife casserole dish...

Aaaaand my first time really ever photographing glass.

(Gonna go back in Thursday, Friday or Saturday and shoot something more interesting w/glass)

(all images © Michelle Jane Marshall 2010, obviously)

Nothing too exciting... but I've been trying a lot of new stuff lately, and that's been fun.

And last but not least? Helping out the ever-exploring and imaginative Joi with some under water test- shooting.

Photo © Joi Ong

This week:
Re shoot Fashion Genre
Shoot Fashion Motion
Shoot Glass for the second time
Shoot the still life's for Jeremy

1 Response on "Photo Life"

  1. Joi says:

    LOVE the clown :D