8:21 AM
Gah. My toes are FREEZING! For august it has been WAY too cold. It monsooned for 3 days... which included and EXTREME temperature drop. We're talking down to about 40 degrees... in august. Even for Colorado that's a little extreme. The mountains looked beautiful with a fresh coating of snow though. =) So that was nice.
I saw my brother's new home! He's living a duplex on the edge of Fort Collins, (or at least the edge of the bigger city) it's sort of near the Football Stadium and the reservoir. It was a neat little house, two floors, with a really nice yard in back. He had a HUGEEEEEEEE closet in his bedroom. I'm excessively envious. Ben has a big closet in his new apartment, I guess, too. Why do all the people with NO clothing have huge closets? It's a cruel cruel trick of the world...
Lorin and I? Yes... we have... I think... one small closet to somehow split between the two of us! Unfair.
Anywho... I've been packing packing packing and i'm pretty much ALL done... finally! There are 4 times a year where i'm always like... "I have too much CRAP!" However, considering I'm fitting EVERYTHING into my car. I'd say I'm okay.
It's gonna be a LONG drive, with my dad. It can go one of two ways: We can get along really well and it'll be awesome. Or... we will NOT get along and it'll be sorta miserable. It'll probably be a bit of both, but i'm very excited for my apartment!
I am, additionally... REALLY sad to leave home. I cried for a while last night. It's just always hard being so far away... I always seem to feel this mix of guilt for leaving my parents, and even some regret about things I miss out on when I'm not home. But this is part of growing up I guess... and ROC is the right place for me. It is difficult to be so far away, if something bad happens it's not like I can just drive home in an afternoon or a day. Or even overnight...
I think Kelsie is here to pick me up!
Off on the road tomorrow!
I'll try to blog and keep you updated!
8:45 PM
I got my wisdom teeth removed today, I was REALLY REALLY nervous. However, I was sort of tired to begin with and as the anesthesia woman said "we keep it strong" about the nitrus oxide (laughing gas) so by the time that stuff was on me for about a minute I was ready to pass out without the anesthesia. I have no idea when she even put the stuff into the I.V. The last thing I remember is the doctor coming in and greeting me, me saying something stupid in attempt to be funny and thus prove that I wasn't hopped up on something that made me unaware that anything had to do with me. It was something along the lines of; "How are you?"
"I don't belong to this world anymore..."
"You don't belong in this world?" Baffled, I'm sure.
Realizing I wasn't funny... "No... I'm just... floating around."
And then I woke up without my knees working.
I really felt fine, a little spacey, it hurt a bit... but other than my inability to walk I was fine.
All I could taste was blood. Lots and lots of blood. It was really gross to have all this blood just floating around in your mouth. I had gauze on the holes, and had to bite down to get the bleeding to stop... but they were soaked.
As soon as I got home and started cleaning up, I saw the blood and some deep primitive fascination with blood kicked in and I HAD to take pictures of the events. I dug out my camera and a memory card that wasn't full and started shooting. The entire time my mom was just trying to get medication inside me. I think she was completely horrified I was documenting it. However, she wishes she could watch whenever she gets surgery so... I guess we all have our things. I for one have NO interest in seeing my insides... ever.
I spent my afternoon creating dyptics while floating on vicodin and awkwardly eaten pudding. I personally enjoy them, and there's blood involved so I'm sure I can find SOMEONE who agrees.
They're on my flickr.
But here they are as well, for your convenience:
Lots of blood.
Cleaning up.
The teeth! ... and more blood.
I've also been trying to take pictures of myself every hour to monitor swelling etc, and just to see how I entertain myself. I missed a few hours tonight, but I'm doing what I can. haha. I haven't really gotten very swollen so far... only my lips got all Angelina Jole on my ass. Hopefully it'll stay that way... but we'll see!
15 days till I leave to school!