What do I want to do when I grow up?


Art Direction.
New York.
West Coast.

I have no idea.
Sort yourself out please?

"Christmas, children, is not a date. It is a state of mind." -Mary Ellen Chase



Here's what I did all night:

New stockings to replace the ones we lost in the fire :) My mom and I went and got the fabric today. It's always a nice break of pace to make something with your hands.

Sorry for the bad picture! I'm feeling too lazy to get a real one, so this one is from my phone!

Hope everyone has a lovely Christmas morning (or just a lovely day off if you don't celebrate) and that you each get all the love and material possessions you ever wished for.

"All photos are accurate. None of them is the truth." -Richard Avedon


The Ad Project is finished.
Break has begun.

Thank. God.

Here's a lil' jpg-y taste of how it turned out! :D (Pardon the slight loss in saturation)

Our concept was to advertise H&M accessories by not using models to just show off the items, but by using the body as a graphic element within the photograph.

© Michelle Marshall, Kaitlin McCue, & Hyesuk Kim

It took a LOT of hard work, a LOT of energy, a LOT of hours, VERY LITTLE sleep, a LOT of re-shooting, a LOT of editing, a LOT of pizza, and a LOT of faith in ourselves. The three of us worked incredibly hard and really came a long way from where we were at our first shoot. We're really proud of ourselves, and from our primarily positive critique it sounds like we've pulled it off!

There's actually 7 images, but I excluded one because I don't think it really adds to the series.

Thanks to everyone who came to the crit to give their input, and good job to everyone in getting there ad projects done in time! There were a BUNCH of amazing works this year! I look forward to seeing what everyone is up to in the future.

As for break? Haven't done much so far! Seen a few friends and trying to get the cats to like each other, mostly. ;)

More on that later.

Happy Holidays!

“A conclusion is the place where you got tired of thinking” - Arthur Bloch


Am I narcissistic or do I really have to do everything?

At any rate,
I'd like to leave Rochester tonight.
My talents are needed in Colorado right now.

Shout out to a little girl in Gunni who knows me better (and I love more) than anyone.

I'll see you in a week, my love.
Hang on tight and get ready for a healthy dose of what we do best.

Which is both everything and nothing.


"The artist is nothing without the gift, but the gift is nothing without work." ~Emile Zola


My day so far:




Oh you know. No big deal. I've only spent a minimum of 23 hours on this concept already. I can do the entire thing AGAIN in a week.



Time to go buy some Red Bull.

"Sleeping is no mean art: for its sake one must stay awake all day." ~Friedrich Nietzsche


So. I haven't posted in a while! I've been BUSY since heading back to school.

But, Thanksgiving wrapped up nicely:

The food was great and everything even finished up around the same time so nothing was cold!
(The only thing I'm sad about is that I left the day after and not only didn't get left overs... but only got a tiny bit of the pies I made!!!)

(My cousin Jordan & I at Thanksgiving Dinner)

Back to current events:
I've been working on the 'Ad Project'. Basically, it's a three week intensely exhausting, group project, right of passage for all Ad Photo students.

Just today I did 10 straight hours of work on it.


In other news...
I finally got a big girl bed! (and a lot of new floor space!)