I grabbed some frozen strawberries so I could ice your bruising knees

(Yellow leaves all over my side yard, out my bedroom window)

Fall is officially in full affect here in Rochster and i'm hopin' and prayin' that it doesn't end anytime soon. We've had a few incredibly nice days, blue sky and all. The cold ones are making me nervous that the gray winter is looming around the corner ready to come sooner than i'd like.

I'll probably never get all the leaves out from under my hood...

My yard! We don't own a rake... I kinda like it that way though. So much color!

The weather was so nice yesterday that I opened Clyde's favorite window and let him watch all the leaves blow around. I left it open when I left cause he was enjoying it so much, and my room wasn't even cold when I got home! Exciting.

Here's what happens when I get 3 packages of things from home and my parents persuade me to open them quickly on the phone with them as a tresure hunt for gifts they hid in them.

Screw up trying to take a picture of my new shirt that I got visiting Thiana's Family this last weekend. This is probably more intersting then the actual picture I got.

Our home is slowly becoming more and more ours. It's nice as our personal touches start going up. There was so much left over by the people who lived her before... it's our turn!

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