"Sleeping is no mean art: for its sake one must stay awake all day." ~Friedrich Nietzsche

So. I haven't posted in a while! I've been BUSY since heading back to school.

But, Thanksgiving wrapped up nicely:

The food was great and everything even finished up around the same time so nothing was cold!
(The only thing I'm sad about is that I left the day after and not only didn't get left overs... but only got a tiny bit of the pies I made!!!)

(My cousin Jordan & I at Thanksgiving Dinner)

Back to current events:
I've been working on the 'Ad Project'. Basically, it's a three week intensely exhausting, group project, right of passage for all Ad Photo students.

Just today I did 10 straight hours of work on it.


In other news...
I finally got a big girl bed! (and a lot of new floor space!)

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