"Cheers to a New Year and another chance for us to get it right" -Oprah Winfrey

Welcome Home Kitten. Glad You're Gettin' Cumfy.

Clyde and I went on quite the lovely trip home for the holidays. He was great on the flights (minus some minor trauma on our first day of travel checking in/security.) But once we got the sedatives worked out and I lulled him to sleep it was smooth sailing. Clyde & Snoop (my mom's kitten) became playmates... but I think Clyde's happy to be home without a little kitten to steal his toys. :)

Clearly he's comfortable anywhere...

The night before Christmas. Having the tree in the bay window-room we had lost of nice reflections!

Kitten's on Christmas morning... investigating.

And Playing...

These were the little girl deer who ate out our bird feeder like a buffet every night. lol.

And of course I saw my favorite ladies :D

After the holidays we spent time eating all the rest of the baked goods...

And taking walks in the cold Colorado Sunshine. :) I miss those mountains already!

Happy New Year

1 Response on ""Cheers to a New Year and another chance for us to get it right" -Oprah Winfrey"

  1. Joi says:

    Sooooo cuuuuuuuuuteeeeeeeee!