Isolation: Spring Break in Rochester

Day 1:

I got home @ 5:30 something A.M. from taking Ben to the airport. I don't know if he's landed in Calgary yet but I know he at least found his dad in O'hare and got on the plane! I'm soooo jealous!!! He's gonna have lots of fun, and in such a cool place. Not to mention that I'm really missing my family lately so I'd love to see them. When I got home I wrote a few emails, talked to Val whose recovering from surgery in Thailand for a bit and then went back to bed. I woke up late and Clyde's been nuts all morning!

(if you can't tell he's sitting on my SHOULDER) haha

chores of the day:
-do dishes
-pick up kitty litter
-start planning out photos
-find receipt so I can return stuff to Target/clean stuff so I can return it

... exciting. I know.

We'll see how this week goes. My friend Joi is staying in town so at least I'll have a few play dates! (Thank god!) The loneliness is already setting in. I don't think it's so much that I feel alone currently, but the fact that I know how long it's gonna be before I really see people again.

WHOA how is it already 4:00?! guess I should get running...

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