Last days before Isolation

So i'm actually in "isolation" as of 5:30 am this morning. :( But I haven't had time to blog so here's what I've been up to.

SNOW. It's been snowinggggggg for days! We've only gotten about 17 inches but it's definitely had a few really heavy snow fall times. I have never experienced snow so wet in my life! My dry Colorado brain just can't understand it! Here's a little glimpse out my window during one of the brief periods of blue sky.

A little work out (heavy on abs and legs - my legs are still killing me haha) It's nice to have time to work out outside of classes :) did a bunch of stuff I learned this quarter in my Core, Glues & Abs class. The best part is that I watched a history channel documentary on Tesla the whole time I was working out!

This is Clyde's new favorite spot in the house. He climbs up the side of the mattress to get up there and runs around like a crazy. I know I should stop him but it's so funny!

My room smelled like cookies for some reason and I couldn't stand it so on a whim I made sugar cookies! They're really the perfect on-a-whim cookie because you can make it without anything special. Depending on the recipe they are made from the basic baking supplies you always have in our kitchen.

:D If they look good to you, you can find the recipe here. They're great cause they bake for 5-9 minutes so they're fast too!

Clyde always hoping for a bite...

So that was Friday. It was a good day.

Saturday consisted of sleeping, eating pancakes with jam for breakfast, watching the olympics, bagels toasted with pepper jack cheese, left over lasagna and getting a weeks worth of cuddling from Ben. (The olympic 4 man bobsled was AWESOME! GO USA!) And all that in time to get to bed early enough to take Ben to the airport at 5 am.

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