Candy and Cupcakes

I would say "Happy Halloween!" but I'm pretty late posting this, and since all the stores have already moved on to Christmas I guess I've missed the boat on that one!

It was a good night, a little drama, but all's well that ends well right? There were some great costumes, a lot of music playing, and some royal trashing of Ben's house. (Quick clean up in the morning, but leaving powdered sugar on the counter was a bad idea!)

Pumpkin Cupcakes I made for Ben's Halloween Party. Topped with fondant pumpkins, devils, "Trick or Treat," "Boo," some random patterns, and Halloween sprinkles! (Also note the vintage party tray thing I got a while back! Love it.)

Amelia Earhart. I look really chubby here =( But my costume was awesome!!

Thiana (Alice from Alice in Wonderland) & Amelia =D

Amelia Earhart & A hobo. (The blood is from a "hobo fight" apparently... don't ask. )
He scared a tiny trick-or-treater though! =/

Jake & Trevor are sort of destructive...

Roommates! =D

I'm sensing a theme here...

Mr. Woody Wood in his ghost costume! (Which he kept on for an impressively long time...)

The ghost and (Kirsten) the Giraffe outside!

By FAR the cutest costume! Courtney & Joanna as Thumper & Flower from Bambi.

Neilson as an 80's pro skater

Hope everyone's Halloween was excellent and you're still getting he sugar tooth sweaters of your teeth!

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