“Home is the place where, when you have to go there, they have to take you in.” - Robert Frost

I'm home. =]

And here are some teasers of the new house!

Light games from the front door.

Antique Bird Stand

Awesome dressers my dad found

Master Bed

My mom's DREAM sink/mirror =D (makes me so happy she found them)

Better view


My parents awesome solution to me HATING dressers =D love it.

My room chicken...

Downstairs Bafroom.

Love the way the cabinets turned out... we spent SO SO SOOOO long planning these.

"Bay Window" Sunroom.

My dad's favorite part ;)

Livin' room

And let us eat!

Hope this peaked/satisfied everyone curiosity! Comment away with questions if you wish! (I can show more detailed pics upon request, I thought these were less boring.)


(P.S. I can never decide on a template... =/)

4 Responses on "“Home is the place where, when you have to go there, they have to take you in.” - Robert Frost"

  1. Joi says:

    I love your sink! :D

    Joy says:

    Oh my GODDDD, it looks SO SO SO beautiful! I'm so happy for you guys!

    Thanks guys! =) Can't wait for you to see it Joy!

    Kelsie says:

    I want to see it! The teasers are...well... teasing!!! I hope I get to enjoy a tour :)