This is2 a333313w (my cat wrote that title, so i'll leave it)

Invisible Children's Roadies came to RIT for a screening. They all seemed really young this year, but just as knowledgeable and helpful as usual.

On the tour they had been showing The Rescue (IC's big, international event in April) but since everyone at our screening had been to the event we got to watch this amazing movie about Natalie. She was an intern for IC and was the one in charge of the Chicago rescue. Really inspirational and awesome to see some of the behind the scene stuff. Our turn out was kinda low, considering it was the Friday before Halloween and the night of a hockey game.

A boy from Nigeria came to the screening and we had a long discussion. It was incredibly interesting. Hopefully we'll here more from him in the future!

All in all it was good, as always.

They drove up and parked in the middle of campus. RIDICULOUS. It made me laugh.

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