It's week ten.

Finals next week.

Currently on the to do list:
ASL Unit 16 Homework
Deaf Event Paper (*cough*Finish going to Deaf Events...*cough*)
Study for ASL Exam
Study for ASL Final Interview
Finish Philosophy paper
Study for Philosophy Exam
Shoot a minimum of 3 More studio still lifes
Shoot new studio Portraits (maybe)
Edit these.
Print these.
Meet with Ad Project Group.
Figure out what we're doing for the Ad Project.
Find Another Job.
Make Marking Flashcards.
Study for Marketing Final.
Organize and finalize IC Book Drive.
Get IC Book Drive boxes up all over campus.

Wish Me Luck.

1 Response on "It's week ten."

  1. Kelsie says:

    I find it silly that procrastinating is at the BOTTOM of your list... cause you know, it should be at the top... :D

    how do I miss you!