Hittin' it.

We got our housing stuff last week.
Lorin, Lianna, Allison and I got into a two bedroom, two story + basement ["family room and utility room"] Townhouse. We're soooooo excited. I was asking my friend Irvinn about it, [because he lives in one now] and he offered to give us a tour of his. So we trecked out there and gave it a looksy. We were impressed. It's definitely a college appartment. But the carpet is decent, the kitchen isn't bad... and we have THREE FLOORS!!! We were really lucky to get in there. Housing is so short here that a TON of people got stuck in the RIT Inn. [An off-campus Inn run by the school] A lot of kids are also moving into the new [and expensive] appartment complex right off of campus. It's about as close to campus as my appartment is, fully furnished... going to be near all of the new restraunts and businesses they're building. Ben and his roommates actually went and got one after they got stuck back in the dorms in Photo House again. [So basically I get the awesome of the new apartments without having to pay!]

Things with Ben are going wonderfully. We both really like each other's friends... although we definitely hang out with his more often. [My hall is sort of a bust.] But he gets along with Lianna really well, which is good. They have this whole Vermont/New Hampshire thing going for 'em. ;) haha. We're hopefully gonna see each other twice over the summer, I'm gonna visit him/Lianna and he's gonna come visit me. Also, the more people talk about the the more i'm considering driving back out here this fall. It'll be a long drive, but it would be SO NICE to have a car on campus considering my apartment is more off-campus than on. [Even though it's "on campus"] Also considering the fact that for the majority of the time I'm here it's really nasty outside so while I CAN walk places... I'm not going to want to. And just in general it would be nice to not have to rely on Lianna and Lorin for rides all the time. Plus moving ALL of my stuff on my own without the risk of losing it all on the airline/having to way EVERYTHING = kinda awesome.

We've also had a bit of a re-layout of the rooms in our townhouse. Originally Lianna and I were gonna room together and Allison and Lorin were gonna room together. But Allison and Lorin don't actually really know each other... and obviously were sorta uncomfortable with it. So we changed it so I'm living with Lorin and Lianna is living with Allison. It's not a big deal though, I know Lianna and Allison will get along fine, and I'll love living with Lorin. [Plus lianna and I will still be living together just not in the same room.] There were more reasons too, but that was the major one. Now we just have to figure out which pair gets the bigger room. lol. ;)

In other news I probably look like a crazy person because I keep burning the crap out of my arms at work. I have huge nasty injuries on both my forearms now. =[ It's a lot of fun.

I'm getting REALLY tired of the classes I've had all year... art history... Material and Process of Photography... I can't wait until next year. *sigh* SO CLOSE TO THE END OF THE YEAR! It's gonna be so weird to leave... but I also can't wait to come back!

Especially now that I have an awesome apartment! =]

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