And so it starts... [September 5th, 2007]

Moving in, orientation and the start of classes have all been quite a whirlwind. I've met so many people and done so much!! I'm very excited for my Photo Arts class, the professor is sort of rusty on teaching I guess, but he is a very knowledgeable and nice guy. I'm slightly less excited for most of the rest of my classes. But, oh well, they are almost all somewhat photography related, so that hold some motivation to get through them. Material and Process of Photography is going to be very hard, it's sort of a math & science replacement class for photo students . Western Art and Architecture should be cool, though. Western Art and Architecture is just a fancy name for art history. It's western Europe, though. Which wasn't really clarified. ;] The worst part of everything is just having to buy all of the equipment! Hopefully for at least the rest of the semester I wont have to buy TOO much more stuff other than film and paper, once I have my basic needs met for shooting and the darkroom.

My roommate, Lianna, and I have been getting along really well. Our living habits are very similar as are our tastes in food and social life, so living together hasn't been to difficult. She's a bit more quite than I am, [not hard to do] but our personalities are close enough that we're compatible. When we're just alone in our room we talk and joke a lot. So it has been fun. She is also a photo major, fine art, so we can talk about photo things a lot. And we can empathize with each other over being excessively broke, already. haha. As for my whole floor, I LOVE the people on it. I'm learning a ton of sign language and have finally gotten to the point where I can have general conversations with many of the deaf students through sign, hand spelling and some creative charades. I CANNOT wait to learn more, I LOVE the deaf culture. As for the hearing kids in my hall, we've all formed sort of a little family and have become pretty close. We all get along and hang out. It's really great.

I miss everyone from home a LOT, but it's nice that everyone here has fit together so well. So FAR there hasn't been too much drama, so that's good. I have become pretty close with a few guys that are just really nice, decent guys. I've made almost no female friends except for the girls in my hall. I suppose that's sort of normal because of the fact that the school population is 70% male, but still. It's just odd, I guess. :] It's more about personality than gender. I have not yet met a single girl [other than those in my hall] that I have just started talking to and our personalities clicked. It has been happening a lot more with guys, which I guess is sort of a good thing considering how [apparently] talking is a big problem on campus. I have lots of guy friends to walk with me at night and stuff. :]

Let's see... what else? I've finally started really decorating my dorm room. Despite the fact that part of our ceiling leaks... :[ Some piping is leaking and we're having a really hard time trying to find someone to fix it! But, we're working on that. Everything is starting to fall into a routine now, so it's not TOO strange, anymore. The photo store upstairs in the campus store is pretty much my savior, and everything really rather moderately priced. The campus store is a very good store in general, Barnes and Nobels [or maybe Borders?] owns part of it, but there is both a computer store and a camera store up stairs that they have fought to keep school control of so prices are cheaper. There are also text books, and clothes and all sort of school and art supplies. I'm learning to find my way around the tunnels under the dorms, so that's nice. Not being lost all the time. And I can even usually find my way back to my dorm when I leave other dorms! Except I still get turned around at night sometimes. Haha. Also they fixed our Air Conditioner, so we have cool air finally! Yay! All in all, I'm starting to get more pictures and posters up and I'm slowly getting organized and making friends!

I'm not sure what else to say. I'll up date again later! Thanks for reading!

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