... and they're off to a good start.

So I seem to be half way through my first week back to the grindstone. So far I'm fairly happy with my new classes. I don't have to get up until 11 any day of the week except for my photo lecture on Mondays. [Which every 1st year photo student has at 8am] So that's a real treat! So far Photography seems really promising. I'm super impressed with my new professor. [I wrote a little more about him in my other blog, here. He is very knowledgeable. He actually lives in NYC and commutes up to teach. I have the same Western Art & Architecture teacher that I had first quarter. She's much less intense than the professor I had last quarter... but I don't enjoy her as much honestly. The last guy might have been a REALLY hard professor, but his lectures were actually sort of interesting because he knew SO MUCH about them all. He had LIVED with most of this art. I guess I just find this other professor a little more boring. Other than that I have Cardio Kickboxing tomorrow and then my psychology class on Thursday! I'm really excited for that. [Other than spending $110 on a USED text book for it today.]

I don't have much exciting to talk about tonight, sorry guys. =]

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