New cwaataaah.

I have finished my first official week and weekend of the new quarter. It already feels like I've been back for a long time. It feels like break was weeks ago. Very strange how that works. Classes:
The usual. I'm not really good or bad at this class. I get what we talk about in lecture usually, do okay on the tests. But I have NO idea what the hell is going on in lab. I have a new lab partner, thank god. She's another photo house girl. She seems pretty cool though, reliable if nothing else.

So far we don't have many assignments. But I think I REALLY like him. He's an older guy, a professional photographer from the upper west side. [NYC] He commutes to teach us, and he definitely knows his stuff. He's just on a whole new level of talking and reflecting and teaching photography compared to my previous professor. I'm sort of nervous about turning in our first assignment though. I really want him to like my stuff. Or at least see enough potential to think that he can really give me the help and edge in my photography I want. [Or rather NEED.] I really don't want him to just think i'm lazy and without direction or something. I am sort of direction-less at the moment. But... we'll see.

=] I think this class is gonna be really fun. Pretty intense I guess, from what I've heard. But I'm really into stuff like that. It's all the traditional kickboxing moves with aerobic stuff in the beginning [sort of tae boe-esque] and then actual kickboxing with the bags for the last part of class. Plus there's a girl from my photo classes in there. [Photo classes first two quarters] so that should be fun.

Western Art & Architecture:
I love the theory of this class, but the actual class has been pretty hard for me. I understand the overall ideas and aspects of the eras, it's just all the specifics I often have a hard time with. We'll see how it goes. My professor from last quarter took leave, so I ended up going back to the professor I had first quarter. [Not necessarily by choice] She's an alright professor. Definitely less knowledgeable feeling than my previous professor. And a little less interesting. But she's a much less intense grader. Soooooo we'll see?

I think it's gonna be a pretty good/interesting/not too hard class. It's a 4 hour lecture once a week. You WILL pass the class if you pass the quizzes. You read the chapters, he lectures on the chapters that week, and you have a quiz over the previous weeks lecture. It should be pretty good. Plus I'm into all that. =]

I've been freaking out about money a little bit lately. [Not to mention we're all talking about it right now.] I just don't want to end up being in debt for YEARS because of college. I donno... I guess these things usually sort themselves out as long as you stay on top of them.

Ho humm.

Killer headache, and burned myself at work today.


I'ma out.


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