Starting... [June 20th, 2007]

I'm starting to get sort of excited about college. Not completely, but I have my moments. I stressed out about it so much I gave myself an ucler. So, I've decided to just slow down a bit. I'm mostly worried about leaving everyone! But, I've thought about it a lot, and I know the people I'm most concerned about leaving are all people that I love. And thus, they wont just vanish from my life because I don't get to see them everyday. I know I'm going to miss them, and I hope they're going to miss me and not forget about me, but... as horribly hard as this is going to be: It's something I just have to do. And I guess you really can't worry too much about things you can't avoid. Relationships and friendships my change, but I know if these people genuinely care for me as much as i do for them, they'll still find a way to stay in my life, and I will stay in theirs.

I have also realized the fact that I'm not TRAPPED at one school. If I get to RIT and just hate it. I can always leave and go to CSU or wherever for a semester as I figure out another school I want to go to. I'm not stuck.

As for buying things: I'm going to be so broke. Haha. A letter from the photography dept. said that my expenses will cost about $2500 for my first year. Just for supplies [paper, film, developing, ect.]. But I'm garunteed a job on campus, and I might look into some other job I can have that wont take up a lot of time. We'll see. My laptop is also going to be quite a punch in the pocket. MacBook Pro 17". But I really think it's what I'm going to need, and I can get a student discount from the website. Plus, it will for SURE last me all four years. There is a lot I need to get before I go, but I can buy a package from the school with all of the starter stuff I need for my Photographic Arts I class. So that will cut down on it a lot. I also already have a digital SLR camera, so I won't have to worry about buying one of those part way through the year, which will be just dandy.

That's about it for now. Except I'm sort of miffed about the schedual. I get two weeks for Thanksgiving & two weeks for X-mas. Intead of one week for Thanksgiving and 3+ Weeks for X-mas. And break starts the 24th of December. But I figure I can see all my friends over their Thanksgiving breaks and then go and spend a few days at CSU and a day or two at CU to visit everybody up there. The Christmas thing just sucks. But that's another thing I can't do anything about, so I'll just have to work around it.


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