Wow. [October 30th, 2007]

't done this in a while. Sorry guys!! It's late and I SHOULD be asleep, but of course as always I was tired all day... but now can't sleep. Go me.

What have I been up to? A lot! I'm so busy!!

It's the 9th week. Which means one more week... and then finals! I can't believe it! I really can't. I'm VERY excited to go home and see everyone for thanksgiving! I can't even wait! I get giddy just thinking about it! It's weird though, I can't WAIT to go home and see everyone... but I'm really going to miss everyone here a lot. I have almost no good friends outside of my hall. I see everyone in my hall pretty much EVERY DAY. It's going to be weird not seeing them, we're all so different and amazing. I love it. But it's weird because I'm excited to come home, but I think by the end of two weeks... I'll be ready to come back and see everyone here again.

I absolutely adore my roommate. I can't even believe how amazingly we get along. Her name is Lianna and she's from Vermont. She's a fine art photography major. I swear it was some sort of magical celestial happening that we got put together. PERFECT fit. :D She makes me laugh a LOT and we just fit together REALLY well as roommates. I do have a few other ppl I'm really close with here too. They're all guys of course. [I swear I'm not going to know to to act around girls anymore when I leave this place...]

Ian & Corey are roommates. They're two of the first ppl I made friends with on the floor and I've become really close to both of them. Ian and I have a very brother-sister bond. He's from California and has never seen snow. It's going to be a VERY long winter for him... He saw frost on a car for the first time last night and got all excited. He's going to be having a lot of firsts now that its [FINALLY!] cooling down around here. Corey and I just laughed at him the whole time the talked about it. As for Corey and I, we just hit it off like crazy and pretty much became best friends really quickly after getting here. By our second or third week here we knew each others entire life stories. It was almost crazy, but there just some people you bond with like that.

There's more to it, but I'm sure you'll all hear about that in person. ;) I'll let you wonder for now.

What else? I got my nose pierced a while ago! [I'll attach pictures to this] I thought my dad was going to be FURIOUS but he just laughed and said he told me so. I'm planning on getting made fun of a LOT when I come home, though. But i'm okay with that. I absolutely LOVE it. :D I'll just be happy to have REAL food and be able to shower without two dollar neon yellow flip flops on!!

We registered for classes recently, last week I think? Yeah. Last week. I decided to go over the allowed limit of 18 credits. [I had to get get special permission and stuff... woo fun] The reason behind this wonderful decision is because I have 6 credits from taking AP Photo in high school, it got me opted out of taking Studio art here. So since I already had 6 credits if I took more than 17 credits this next quarter I can be a "second year" by third quarter. By being a second year I can register earlier and also change from a meal plan to all debit. [Which would save me a lot of wasted money on meals I don't use] Also, if I get to pick my classes sooner I'll be more likely to get into the classes I want which will be handy because we get to pick our professors for Photo Arts 3 & i'll be able to get into Intro. to Psychology. The class fills up really quickly and I'm pretty sure I want to double minor in Psychology and Business, so... it'll just really give me the edge up. Plus, i wont lie. It'll make me feel smart to be a second year early. lol.

My schedule for next quarter looks like this:

Material and Process of Photography [M&P, it's an all year combined Math/Science class for photo students...killer] 8am-10am lecture
Survey: Western Art & Architecture [Art history] noon-1:20pm
Photo Arts 2: 4pm-6pm

Modern American History: 10am-noon. [I get to sleep in this quarter!! YAY!!]
Shakespeare: Tragedies: [Sooooo excited!!] noon-2pm.
Photo Arts 2: 4pm-6pm

Photo Arts 2 Lab: 8am-noon
Survey: Western Art & Architecture: noon-1:20pm
Material and Process of Photography Lab: [death] 4pm-6pm

Modern American History: 10am-noon
Shakespeare: Tragedies: noon-2pm
First Year Enrichment: [Pointless freshmen class we're forced to take for two quarters, the only reason people go is because 90% of our grade is attendance] 2-2:50

Friday: No classes! Again! YAY!

So it's really not that bad even though I have more classes.

I'm going to Canada next weekend with my roommate, Ian & Corey, and another 2nd year from our hall named Dylan. It's going to be so much fun, just to get away from campus and bond and have fun! I'm really excited! It'll be my first time out of the country. EXCITED!!!!

I don't know what else to say right now except it's two am and I need to force myself into some sleep.

I love you all and I'll be seeing/talking to most of you soon enough!

Here's a pic:

[for some reason I can't get it to upload more than one, or figure out how to remove that one to load a diff. one, but if you copy and paste these into your web browser they SHOULD take you to a few more pics]

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