Computer! [July 2nd, 2007]

The day has come!! Fedex delivered my computer this morning! I was laying in bed, half awake, as always. [Kyle texts me from work starting at about eight thirty. So I'm pretty much half-sleep between 8:30 and when I actualy get up, sending texts out, whenever they come in. ha. Yay to the modern teenager.] Anyways, I heard the knock on the door and some guy talking to my dad. I just knew it was my computer. [But, I'd been up till three so I managed to stay in bed for another twenty minutes pretty easily.] I had been tracking it as it traveled across the world towards me. Starting in Shanghi, China, however they had stopped updating the tracker when it got to Indinapolis, so I only had the estimated arival date to go by. But, alas, I had faith! :]

It is such a nice computer, I can't even believe it's here! So far I've been entertaining myself with the built in video/camera thing that most, if not all, macs come with these days. It surprised me at first, I had gone through all the start up stuff and I got the point where I had to create an account so I can log in, and I look at the screen and suddenly see myself moving around. I was shocked, and... considering I was still really tired and had just woken up, it wasn't all that flattering of an image. It's a pretty fun feature, I'm sure I'm going to be using it WAY too much. I got some cute pictures of my parents and myself later on. My dad put up surprisingly little fight, however, he still wouldn't really smile, smile. He said his beard made it so he couldn't. Whatever, that liar. :]

RIT has wireless internet, and I didn't bother buying a modem to only use it for two months, so I wont really be able to use the internet on it until I get to school, but I'm sure i'll make a few trips to coffee shops before I go just so I can test it out! :] I'm just really excited about it! I was messing with the wallpapers for the desktop and there was one that just showed how amazing the resolution was and I just about wanted to cry. Which is pathetic, but... if i'm spending that much for something, I might as well be emotionally attached to it right? haha.

In other news: My ulcer [my mom keeps saying "pre-ulcer," but she couldn't FEEL it. I'm pretty sure it was an ulcer ulcer. But I can't remember what the doctor said now, so there's no reason to really argue over it.] has cleared up nicely, as the doctor said it would. I'm quite thrilled about this, I might add. However, now I have sort of of throat/cough thing. It sounds like bronchitis when I cough, but I feel COMPLETELY fine. It's very strange. I think I'm going to the doctor for a check up on the whole ulcer/neck realinement situation. My doctor will be just thrilled I have some new weird thing going on with me. Last time he told me I should be going to a nursing home instead of college! I thought it was funny. :]

That's about it, for now. I'm excited for the fourth of July because Kyle has work off and my familia is having their semi-annual BBQ. It should be a good day, if I don't get sunburnt. :] Also, Katie & Mike are having their baby soon and I couldn't be more excited!! She'll be a pretty little heart breaker for SURE! :] But in the best way possible.

Love. Love. Love. I'll write again as soon as something collegy and exciting happens.

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