Update [January 12th, 2008]

Hello everyone! It's really been a while since i've updated. Sorry, life his been sort of a rush lately. The first few weeks of second quarter were strange, seeing that we only had three weeks between thanksgiving and Christmas breaks. Corey and I broke up and I overloaded this quarter [20 credits when we're allowed 18], we've also been trying to figure out what we're going to be doing for housing next year. My roommate this year, Lianna, our friend Lorin, and our friend Evan [hopefully] are going to try to get an on campus apartment.

I really enjoyed being home and seeing my friends, I really didn't want to leave. This quarter is going to be so stressful! And I'm not going to be able to see my family again for SO LONG... it was hard to leave.

Other than coming back here and trying to get back into the swing of things I've mostly been doing a TON of reading for class. TONS.

In photo we're doing color printing, which is really fun. The only problem is that you have to print in complete dark which leads to overactive imagination and running into walls. I've gotten better at that though. We're also starting to do some work on computers, scanning prints and negatives, using photoshop and all that. It's pretty fun, or at least new. There's a Kodak Lab on the fourth floor that's pretty much pimped out in 18% grey and huge mac monitors, new scanners, and some Epson's to print on. I'm a fan.

Lianna and I have been reclusive from the floor a bit lately. It's not that we're being purposely anti-social, however we're getting a little tired of only having ppl come down to our end of the hall when we want a ride. Sooooo we've sort of just been doing our own thing. Which is fine with me because she's AMAZING and we get along so well. This week we stayed up watching all of the old Saw movie's [sorry dad :)]. Tuesday night we decided that if we were good and did our homework [we'd been procrastinating too much] we'd reward ourselves by watching a movie. We watched the first Saw movie and LOVED it. So the next night we watched the second one, then thursday the third one. Yesterday [Friday] Lianna and I decided to plan our own night and THEN invite others along because we were ICNREADIBLY tired of spending our friday nights asking ppl what they wanted to do, and having them tell us they would rather just sit at their desk and do stuff on their computer all night. That way WE'D have fun and if others came, they came... if not... then ohhhhhhh well. We took our friend Lorin and went downtown. We wondered around for a while after, for the first time, getting down to the parking garage without getting lost. And then we went to Java's which is a trendy coffee shop downtown that has another one on our campus. We hung out there for a while and then decided to go back to the car and see what else the world offered. It took us about a year to get out of downtown, after getting stuck in a sort of slummy area looking for a bathroom for Lorin. After about 7 or 8 stops lorin went into a fish fry where a an asian girl around our age took pitty and let her into the back and let her use their private one. She came back to the car smelling like fried fish. We also had a guy trying to peddle stuff to us who got all mad when we told him we were in a rush and had to go. We FINALLY found our way back to Henrietta and drove around there for a while. We drove by a dollar theater and noticed Saw IV was playing, so we took Lorin back to the dorm to finish homework and Lianna and I went back to see Saw IV in theater. It was really fun. After we hung out for a while in the dorms, got food an then my wonderful friend Evan downloaded South Park the Movie and we all watched it on my bed. It was fun. Lianna and I were going to go the the Rochester Market today but we decided sleeping in was better. So we're going next weekend.

Hmmm what else? I decided the idea of an apartment with a kitchen and friends outweighed the idea of being an RA, however I'm going to try be an Orientation Adviser instead. I'm also using not being an RA this year to motivate me to do work for a bunch of Scholarships, some of which I will hopefully get! I'm not sure what else is going on, just school work and hanging out.

I hope everyone is well!


Lorin, Myself & Lianna at Java's. Lookin' a little awkward. [we were in a little cushioned harem looking booth thing with a tiny table set in the middle so it was sort of hard to coordinate]

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