SPRING BREAK!! [March 4th, 2007]

So, I'm still on spring break! It's been really fun. We've gone out to dinner, done a bunch of touristy things, went shopping. Yesterday one of the things we did was visit the Ben & Jerry's factory and take a tour. It was SUPER fun. I saw them making Steven Colbert's Americone Dream. Which excited me a lot. And then at the end we got free samples and they talked about these new flavors that were coming out. One of which is a tribute to John Lennon, called "Visualize Whirled Peace" complete with chocolate peace signs in it. I was SUPER excited about it. I got some in the little scoop shop they had on site. =] Tomorrow I get see Ben and head up towards New Hampshire! I'm really excited. Mostly just to see Ben. I feel totally pathetic for how much I've been missing him... especially since we have to go through a few months, with only seeing eachother for a few weeks of it, this summer. But It'll be okay. =] We've definitely turned into the couple that Lianna never wants to be. =] haha. Not that she minds us at all... it's just a person thing with her I guess. Ben and I do fine with our alone time... but we've become fairly co-dependant on eachother. It works out alright though because I really get along with/enjoy all of his friends and he gets along with mine. [Even though when we hang out in my hall we mostly just lay around and watch movies and stuff, since my hall sucks] Additionally it works out fine because we both REALLY don't want to be the reason the other one gets behind on work or anything. So we're pretty good about leaving eachother [mostly] alone when work needs to be done. =]

We're finding out about housing for next year in a few weeks! I can't wait! It'll either be a completely awesome, or miserable day... depending.

In other news: I OFFICIALLY have gained second year status at school! I ended the quarter with an A in Photo Arts 2, an A in FYE [duh], a B in Western Art & Architecture [how... I don't know], B in Shakespeare, and a B in Modern American History. Thus giving me the 42 credit hours I need to become a second year [you need 40.] I sort of feel like both Shakespeare and Modern American History I could have achieved A's in if this quarter hadn't been THIS quarter. Outside of photo both my roommate and I [and a LOT of other people for that matter] have felt SUPER unmotivated. I think it has something to do with the way the breaks break up the quarter, and how you can't really go outside. There wasn't really enough snow to go do fun things out side, and it was just gray all the time. Gray sky, gray ground. At any rate I'm VERY excited to have my second year status... AND I'm VERY excited to start the new quarter. We'll see how it all goes.

Michelle & Ben Pre-Break.

Lianna & Michelle at the Ben & Jerry's Factory. =]

1 Response on "SPRING BREAK!! [March 4th, 2007]"

  1. Did you guys really get mixed into an ice cream flavor? What flavor was it? Strawberry/foto/chickletts?